Our Teachers

There is a depth of trust in the ongoing daily relationship between us as teachers and your child that is deeply gratifying. We feel privileged to be in a partnership with parents regarding their child’s development over the next few years.

We will be relying on you to keep in close contact with us regarding any concerns or information you may have that would help us help your child. Thank you for putting your child in our care.

We as teachers at ‘Little Squirrels’ provide consistency and predictability. The emotional development of your child at this their school is of primary importance. Emphasis here is placed on effort rather than performance – That will come in due course. The little mistakes that your child will make are used as opportunities for teaching. We find ways of making each child visible in their classroom sending out verbal and non verbal messages that elevate their self-esteem. It is our policy to make it clear to them that their presence and absence matter. The only relationship that enhances your child’s self-esteem is an empathic, unconditional one. This is what we create in the classroom. We know that the more children experience positive responses to learning efforts, the more likely they will retain their natural curiosity for knowledge and remain highly motivated to learn.

Our Goals

  • To take your child as far as he/she can go in all aspects of the wonderful curriculum we have provided.
  • We are interested in the quality of life that we have developed for your child within their classroom and outside in their play garden.
  • We as teachers pay special attention to the development of social skills.  Everything thereafter in their curriculum falls into place naturally.

Child Development

Our school will give your child both roots and wings.  Children get only one childhood and we as parents and teachers can work together to provide a truly happy one.

Your child’s development is reliant on unconditional love.  Love to a child is spelled T I M E and that is what we provide.  It permeates everything we do here both within the class room and outside.  The foundation is laid here and the results are a work in progress.  Children have more need of models then critics.  Here we generate confidence, curiosity and awareness.

Montessori Materials

The concrete, self correcting materials used in a Montessori environment provide multi-sensory experiences through graded exercises (ensuring success) which enable your child to develop a rich sense of their environment and thus strengthen their ability to become a happy, independent contributor within it.

The main philosophy behind the Montessori Method of Education is that every child is treated with respect, giving freedom to develop within the carefully structured, supportive, stimulating and supportive environment, allowing the natural, holistic development of everyone, each at his/her own individual pace.

Montessori Education: A Foundation for Life

The Montessori Method of Education is both a philosophy and a rationale for funding a child’s growth. It is based on the child’s developmental needs for freedom within limits and a carefully prepared environment, which guaranteed exposure to materials and experiences through which intelligence as well as physical and social abilities are developed.

The Montessori Method of Education recognizes the following unique qualities of young children.

  • Children are to be respected as different to adults and as individuals who differ from each other.
  • A child possesses unusual sensitivity and mental power for absorbing and learning from his/her environment.
  • The most important years of growth are the first years of life when unconscious learning is gradually brought to the conscious level.
  • That a child has a deep love and need for purposeful work. He/she works not as an adult for profit and completion of a job but for
    1. the sake of the activity
    2. the development of his/her mental and physical powers.

Outdoor Play Area

The layout of our play garden comprises of three areas, these have been carefully thought out with clearly defined play areas, yet at the same time overlap as children are very fluid in their movement and imagination.

Paved Garden and Playhouse.jpg

The first play area lies immediately outside the classrooms double doors. This area comprises of a patio, flower bed, vegetable garden, hedgehog house and a bird house. This is our nature garden. Here the children are provided with the opportunity to experience in microcosm, the natural outdoors, the wonder of planting and growing daffodils, snowdrops, bluebells, carrots and strawberries. Here they learn about insects, birds and wildlife and how to respect and understand nature and all its gifts. The children become familiar with the different colours, shapes and sizes of the natural world throughout the changing seasons and take great delight in this.

The second area of the garden encompasses a large dolls house leading up to the swings and slide, (all in natural wood) and a sand and construction pit where their minds and imaginations can run wild.


The third area is the children’s den. This is their private space. This area provides the children with perceived privacy and independence especially as space and time to play and grow. Of course we as teachers watch from a distance and only enter their domain when wanted. In their private area they become explorers, a little congregation, socializing, the possibilities are endless.

These specialized play areas connect groups of children all the time. They make connections with this safe environment and with each other. The outdoor play area is an extension of their indoor school which allows for freedom of movement and choice. The three areas are fluid as the children can move from one area to another as their imagination dictates.

Regarding our play area, I have carried out many assessments ensuring that it is safe but at the same time challenging and empowering for the children using it to practise and master skills.  The children are supported and guided throughout the year to be able to recognise danger as they learn to keep themselves safe.  This is a vital lesson, a lesson appreciable throughout their lives.

We here at Little Squirrels feel very strongly and are truly committed to providing the best quality service for the children in our care and feel that the ‘best kept classroom and richest cupboard are roofed only by the sky’, this is a quote by Margaret Mc Millan and I think says it all.